was registered on:
... years, ... months and ... days
or ... days
There are many times that knowing the age of a domain name may be useful. The age of a domain can be determined by looking at the initial date of registration and calculating how old it is.
Checking the age of a domain name is an easy process, by using the domain name age tool you can quickly and easily see how old a domain name is.
The domain age tool provides the specific date which a domain name was registered as well as automatically calculates how many years, months and days ago this was.
Most domain names can be checked, however in some cases the date cannot be retrieved for various technical reasons.
Some examples:,,,,
There are many reasons that you may wish to know how old a domain name is. Some of these reasons include:
The first domain name to ever be registered was It was first registered on Friday 15th of March 1985. This means that it is 39 years old today.